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Here you can look for exchange agreements set up between Aalborg University and partner universities.

If you have any questions regarding a specific agreement, you are welcome to contact the International Office. 


Please be aware that you must select your study board* when searching for suitable agreements. That way the list shown will contain the agreements you can chose from.

  1. Be sure which semester you are allowed to study abroad
  2. Examin AAU-agreements. Remember to read the information in the pop up window which will show when you click on the individual agreement.
  3. Enter the website for the university in question
  4. Search for application deadlines
  5. Search for courses which can give you credit transfer (30 ECTS or equivalent)
  6. When you have found a suitable university then apply for an exchange place.

*Study boards only listed in Danish. English translation available here:

Afterwards your application will be evaluated by IO and you can expect one of the following results with more information:

Approved or Rejected

You can only apply for one place at a time. If rejected you can apply again.

When applying for a study abroad you will automatically apply for an AAU-grant provided you meet the deadlines: 1 March for the autumn semester and 1 November for the spring semester and fulfil the standards.

Agreement Types

Erasmus = agreements within Europa

Bilateral = agreements overseas

Nord…. .= agreements within the Nordic countries




Fra og med marts 2024 er der lukket for mulighed for at søge studieophold via IRIS. I stedet benyttes Mobility Online.

Link til Mobility Online